Many companies today have significant gaps in their management systems or tools. These weak areas range from poor visibility in their core production, to a weak overall vision and strategic plan. With its focus on its daily quest to produce the product or service, it is not uncommon for good management to lose sight of the fundamentals of sustaining a long-term business operation. Our experience finds that areas for needed improvement can be obvious to a competent outside manager who is free to examine the original and ongoing purpose and goals of the enterprise.
Joseph Management offers your business a competent review of your operations which will ascertain goals of the ownership, matched with the capability of the company members and associates, and assistance in execution of a customized plan which involves focusing all involved on the synchronized system for greater success. These areas of focus are broken down as follows:
What is the company supposed to provide and to whom? Are the goals realistic, clear and achievable? This component is often unknown in a new enterprise but is always a necessary question to ask... Continually! It matters little if the company produces the best product and services ever-- if there is no demand. This is clearly the domain of the entrepreneur, but it must be examined on a regular basis.
What is the desired result of the owners of the business? Is it made clear to all participants? The vision is related to but not the same as "leadership." It can be a simple goal such as "to be the 'best' at a particular but not necessarily exclusive business." On the other end of the spectrum, it could be "to develop a new XYZ." In addition to the main thrust of a company, the vision should include the work environment, culture, and all other aspects of daily working life. Left unattended, all these factors will evolve, but it is significantly more advantageous if there is a guiding principle which is easily and often communicated to everyone concerned.
Are the people equipped to operate the system? Are they willing? People are the one most significant variable that affects a company's success. From operation of the system, buy-in to the system, to representing the company to the customer-- they are the measure of any business' success. Having understandable, achievable, and measurable results are key to people's enthusiastic participation.
How does the company intend to achieve the goals set forth in the vision? What tools are available to achieve the vision? This is the key area which must be developed and maintained over time by every business, and through ever-changing people and circumstances. Properly identifying key indicators and other important measurements are the single most important activities which determine not only profitability, but the long-term viability of your company. As businesses evolve and mature, change must be addressed. Some change is obvious, some not so much. Having the right system and monitoring that system for anomalies is crucial to the success of your ongoing enterprise.
This area is susceptible to complacency but is also the easiest to fix. We will implement tools that rely on the past success and warn of coming risk. Some of these tools will include the right financial monitoring processes and production indicators as well as the measure of the workforce enthusiasm and satisfaction. Most mediocre or failing companies have measuring tools. Most of these are either measuring the wrong things, do not reflect accurate results, or are not understood by the people operating them. We will insure the tools we implement bring forth effective results.
Understand: The first thing required to create, improve, or sustain something is to understand it. Therefore, we examine your company operations and their relatedness to common basic business elements until we understand it. We learn how it operates, how consistently, measured against efficiency. All things being equal (market, vision, and people,) it is the operational decisions and culture (the system) we believe will be the throttle to your company's success.
Plan: Our goal is to provide you an overview of specific recommended operational tools, matched with the people to utilize them. We will assist in:
Financial Control: In most businesses, cash is king. One must keep a close eye on the cash position at all times--which we will insure you can do for your company. Tools for financial decision-making need not be a degree in accounting or business—but should be a straightforward set of numbers which indicate what has happened and what is projected to happen in a specific time in the future. Communicating relevant effective financial information to operators/managers will bring forth positive results. When this financial loop is closed, people overwhelmingly respond with improved behavior. We will eliminate the financial haze and assist with financial decisions which grow the company in the direction and path outlined by the ownership and member-associates involved.
Measurement Tools: One important measurement is efficiency in work flows. This is not always intuitive but is always measurable. Proper tools which not only measure productivity but relate it to a company's overall goals are crucial. We will continually evaluate the production tools for accuracy and relevance. New ways for your company to either produce or measure are more obvious to us as a company which specializes in this very area as our own core business.
Accountability: Asking questions is our best way to make the people with your company and its enterprise think about what they do and why they do it. Many simply operate as they understand they should without understanding "why" or without considering "opportunities to improve." We ask questions! We ask, not always to challenge the process, but to understand the level of understanding within the enterprise, gauge the capability of the people, and to stimulate productive thought. We will frequently ask your people working within your company "why." This will be part of our own processes we implement within your company.
Outside Influencers: One final ingredient which sets Joseph Management apart from other business consultants is that we recognize and address the challenges which the legal and regulatory environment imposes on businesses today. We recognize these factors as not insignificant and offer our clients services which insure informed and useful information while providing them proactive management tools which affect these business influencers in a positive manner as they impact their own enterprise.